
Whether I have a "knack" for finding crazy projects, or they find me is a debate all its own, but the fact remains, for better or worse, I'm pretty much always cooking up some hair-brained scheme or another. The results are often pretty ridiculous and, well, unnecessary, so naturally I thought of putting some of them up here!..

I'm always down to talk about ridiculous stuff! Drop me a line ( if any of the shinys has you so inspired!

Or check out my etsy for s'more of this kinda thing, or my professional web-portfolio for architecture stuff!

Kitty Kondo

Kitty Kondo

Probably have to blame my mom for this one, mentioning the cat needed a treehouse for Christmas to one of my Architectural disposition, but once I saw saw the branches she had slated in the back yard it was already too late.

I like to sometimes sentimentally think of this as my first design project to get built, and the discerning needlessly pretentious individual may notice the Miesian planes guiding the footprint of the house behind the organic, sculptural influence playing off the natural trunks...

Probably pretty appropriate, then, that the cat's Christmas present ended up being the most expensive that year...

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