
Whether I have a "knack" for finding crazy projects, or they find me is a debate all its own, but the fact remains, for better or worse, I'm pretty much always cooking up some hair-brained scheme or another. The results are often pretty ridiculous and, well, unnecessary, so naturally I thought of putting some of them up here!..

I'm always down to talk about ridiculous stuff! Drop me a line ( if any of the shinys has you so inspired!

Or check out my etsy for s'more of this kinda thing, or my professional web-portfolio for architecture stuff!

Guitar Case

Guitar Case

You might recognize the construction technique from the barrel tunnel of the Kitty Kondo, but when I found myself needing a guitar case I knew I wanted to push that rustic aesthetic to a more complex geometric experiment.

It only weighs about a shit ton, which I realize in hindsight is why you don't see more guitar cases from wood, and if I'm completely honest, the straps I stole from a Goodwill, Spiderman backpack probably leave a bit to be desired on the ergonomic front, but at the end of the day its proven to be enough of a conversation piece to make it on to this page.

Bootstrap Slider

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