
Whether I have a "knack" for finding crazy projects, or they find me is a debate all its own, but the fact remains, for better or worse, I'm pretty much always cooking up some hair-brained scheme or another. The results are often pretty ridiculous and, well, unnecessary, so naturally I thought of putting some of them up here!..

I'm always down to talk about ridiculous stuff! Drop me a line ( if any of the shinys has you so inspired!

Or check out my etsy for s'more of this kinda thing, or my professional web-portfolio for architecture stuff!

"Authentic" Iron Throne Sculpture

Given my usual tendency toward erudite nerdom, I'm generally pretty impressed by HBO's take on "Game of Thrones." One thing that I do have to raise some issue with, however, is their interpretation of the iconic "Iron Throne." Forget timid symmetry, any proper Song of Ice and Fire fan will know, George R.R. Martin's actual vision is a seat of absolute power and dominance, not for the feint of heart. I was thus inspired one ill advised day to set about capturing this perilously commanding supremacy in the only medium that can truly do it justice: actual knives!

Availing myself, then, of the benefits of an Architecture studio's essentially inexhaustible supply of discarded X-Acto and Olfa blades ripe for the upcycling and a decent pair of work gloves, I got cracking, and this frightening little number was the ultimate result...
Check it out on my etsy for more info.

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